评标结果公布 | 天津大学佐治亚理工深圳学院校区建设工程全过程设计
发布日期:2025-01-04 16:23 点击次数:177
2022年1月14日,天津大学佐治亚理工深圳学院校区建设工程全过程设计(招标项目编号:2018-440300-83-01-706769004)方案评审会在金茂深圳JW万豪酒店会议室以现场+远程视频会议方式举行,评标结果已在深圳建设工程交易服务网完成公示。 On January 14, 2022, the evaluation meeting of the Whole Process Design of the Campus Construction Project of Georgia Tech Shenzhen Institute Tianjin University (project number: 2018-440300-83-01-706769004) was held at the conference room of JW Marriott Shenzhen via on-site meeting + teleconferencing. The bid evaluation results have been announced on the website of Shenzhen Construction Project Trading Service Network. 图片来源于深圳市住房和建设局工程交易网 From Shenzhen Construction Project Trading Service Network 1 评标结果 The Result of Bid Evaluation 本项目评审办法采用记名投票法(逐轮淘汰),因暗标号1号方案投标文件违反招标文件否决性条款相关规定,按废标处理。 The project is evaluated by open ballot (elimination by rounds). The bidding documents of Sealed Bid 1 violated the provisions of veto clauses, and was deemed as an invalid bid according to the tender documents. 评审委员会对剩余6家单位提交的设计成果文件进行了详细的评审和深入的讨论,提出了各自的意见和建议。 The jury committee conducted a detailed review and discussed thoroughly about the design deliverables submitted by the remaining six bidders. Opinions and suggestions were exchanged at the meeting. 经过 2 轮投票,最终评审委员会一致推荐以下3家单位为无排序的中标候选人: After two rounds of voting, the jury panel unanimously recommended the following 3 as the unranked winning candidates: 方案暗标编号Sealed bid No. 投标单位Bidder 2 中国建筑设计研究院有限公司 + CPG CONSULTANTS PTE LTDChina Architecture Design & Research Group + CPG CONSULTANTS PTE LTD 3 艾奕康设计与咨询(深圳)有限公司 + 深圳市华汇设计有限公司AECOM + Shenzhen Huahui Design Co., Ltd 4 深圳市欧博工程设计顾问有限公司 + 海茵建筑设计咨询(北京)有限公司Shenzhen AUBE Architectural Engineering Design Co.,LTD(CHINA) + Henn Building Design Consulting (Beijing) Co.,Ltd 2 评标委员会 The Bid Evaluation Committee 评审委员会由7名专家组成(排序不分先后):梅洪元、金东寒、朱雄毅、徐昀超、吴林寿、于天赤、杨晓春,评审委员会推选梅洪元 为评审组长。 The jury committee consists of seven experts (listed in no particular order): Hongyuan MEI, Donghan JIN, Xiongyi ZHU, Yunchao XU, Linshou WU, Tianchi YU and Xiaochun YANG, wherein Hongyuan MEI was elected as the jury chair. 梅洪元 Hongyuan MEI 中国工程院院士、哈尔滨工业大学建筑设计研究院院长、总建筑师 Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, President of Architectural Design and Research Institute of Harbin Institute of Technology, Chief Architect 金东寒 Donghan JIN 中国工程院院士、天津大学校长 Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, President of Tianjin University 朱雄毅 Xiongyi ZHU CCDI悉地国际集团副总建筑师、东西影工作室主持建筑师 Deputy Chief Architect of CCDI Group, presiding architect of Dongxiying Studio 徐昀超 Yunchao XU 深圳市建筑设计研究总院徐昀超建筑工作室主持建筑师 Presiding architect of Xu Yunchao Architecture Studio of Shenzhen Architectural Design & Research Institute 吴林寿 Linshou WU WAU建筑事务所主持建筑师 Presiding Architect of WAU Architects 于天赤 Tianchi YU 建学建筑与工程设计所有限公司董事、总建筑师、深圳分公司总经理 Director and Chief Architect of Jianxue Architecture and Engineering Design Institute Co., LTD, General Manager of Shenzhen Branch 杨晓春 Xiaochun YANG 深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院副院长、城市规划系主任 Vice President of School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shenzhen University, Director of the Urban Planning Department △评委合影(屏幕左:梅洪元 右:金东寒、前排左至右:吴林寿、徐昀超、于天赤、杨晓春、朱雄毅) △Photo of judges(From left to right on the screen: Hongyuan Mei, Donghan Jin、From left to right in the picture: Linshou Wu, Yunchao Xu, Tianchi Yu, Xiaochun Yang, Xiongyi Zhu) 3 中标候选方案(无排序) Bid-winning Candidates (No Ranking) 暗标号2 号 Sealed bid 2 中国建筑设计研究院有限公司 + CPG CONSULTANTS PTE LTD China Architecture Design & Research Group + CPG CONSULTANTS PTE LTD © China Architecture Design & Research Group + CPG CONSULTANTS PTE LTD © China Architecture Design & Research Group + CPG CONSULTANTS PTE LTD 评标委员会综合评语 Comprehensive Comments of the Bid Evaluation Committee 方案亮点: Highlights of the scheme: 1.设计提出“都市深呼吸”的理念,整体布局有特色,疏密适宜,校园深度融合周边的山水与城市环境; 1. The design puts forward the concept of "deep breathing in the city". With the unique and orchestrated layout, the campus is deeply integrated with the surrounding landscape and urban environment; 2.南北集约、中间疏朗,形成了以学生为中心的中央生态绿谷,校园空间富有特色,有效响应天津大学佐治亚理工深圳学院的核心建设理念; 2. Intensive north-south and sparse middle have formed a central ecological green valley with students as the center. The campus space is distinctive, which effectively responds to the core construction concept of Georgia Tech Shenzhen Institute Tianjin University; 3.方案以绿色低碳理念创造出新的校园建筑形象。 3. The scheme creates a new campus building image based on the green and low-carbon concept. 优化建议: Optimization suggestions: 1.北侧单体中段教学和产学研中心部分密度偏大,宜进行优化; 1. The building density is quite large concerning the teaching and production-learning-research center located on the mid-section of the northern building, which should be optimized. 2.中央生态绿谷尽可能给师生提供更多的运动及活动空间。 2. The Central Ecological Green Valley shall provide more entertainment and activity space for teachers and students to the greatest extent. 暗标号3号 Sealed bid 3 艾奕康设计与咨询(深圳)有限公司 + 深圳市华汇设计有限公司 AECOM + Shenzhen Huahui Design Co., Ltd ©AECOM + Shenzhen Huahui Design Co., Ltd ©AECOM + Shenzhen Huahui Design Co., Ltd 评标委员会综合评语 Comprehensive Comments of the Bid Evaluation Committee 方案亮点: Highlights of the scheme: 1.北侧集约式的布局与城市契合度较好,充分尊重山水自然环境,形成完整的城市界面; 1. The intensive layout in the north side fits the city well, fully respecting the natural environment of the surrounding mountains and rivers, forming a complete urban interface; 2.场地、景观表达适度,建筑单体形象鲜明; 2. The site and landscape are expressed moderately, with distinct single building image; 3.具有突出的教育建筑类型特征,为全生命周期的校园建设留有弹性。 3. It has prominent characteristics of educational architecture, leaving possibilities for future development to complete the whole construction cycle. 优化建议: Optimization suggestions: 1.北侧教研综合体、宿舍单体尺度结合南方气候特征与周边自然环境进行优化; 1. The single scale of the north teaching and research complex and dormitory shall be optimized in combination with the climate characteristics in southern China and the surrounding natural environment; 2.岭南特色与在地性可进一步加强; 2. Lingnan style and localization can be further enhanced; 3.加强宿舍区与西侧校园的联系。 3. The connection between the dormitory area and the west campus can be strengthened. 暗标号4号 Sealed bid 4 深圳市欧博工程设计顾问有限公司 + 海茵建筑设计咨询(北京)有限公司 Shenzhen AUBE Architectual Engineering Design Co.,LTD(CHINA) + Henn Building Design Consulting (Beijing)Co.,Ltd ©Shenzhen Aube Conception + HENN Architecture ©Shenzhen Aube Conception + HENN Architecture 评标委员会综合评语 Comprehensive Comments of the Bid Evaluation Committee 方案亮点: Highlights of the scheme: 1.五位一体、三区串联,模块化设计可满足校园对未来空间的可变及通用性需求; 1. Integration of the five building blocks, connection of three areas and modular design can meet the variable and universal requirements of the future space of the campus; 2.校园设计平和朴实,符合校园建筑安全、宁静的特质。 2. The design of the campus is clean and simple, consistent with the safety and tranquility of the campus architecture. 优化建议: Optimization suggestions: 1.强化重点建筑标识性; 1. The identification of key buildings can be strengthened; 2.图书馆和体育馆分设在东、西两个生活区,结合功能需求进行优化。 2. The library and gymnasium are set in the east and west of living areas respectively, which shall be optimized according to the functional requirements. 4 未入围方案Unsuccessful schemes 暗标号5号 Sealed bid 5 暗标号6号 Sealed bid 6 暗标号7号 Sealed bid 7 5 招标改革举措Reform Measures for Tendering 资格预审阶段,采用概念提案(暗标)评审、资信复核的评价模式,遴选出提案及团队实力“双优”一体的投标团队。 In the pre-qualification stage, the bidding team integrating proposal and team strength is selected through the evaluation modes of concept proposal (sealed bid) review and credit review. 方案评标阶段,将方案可实施性论证作为投标文件组成及评审要素,前置投标方案可实施论证,提高了各投标方案质量。 In the bidding evaluation stage, the feasibility demonstration of the scheme is taken as the component and evaluation element of the bids, and the feasibility demonstration of pre-bidding schemes improves the quality of each bidding scheme. 6 评标工作点评Comments on Bid Evaluation 评审结束后,与会专家对本次评标组织工作进行点评如下: After the review, the participating experts made comments on the organization of the whole bid evaluation process, which can be summed up as follows: 将可实施性论证作为投标文件组成及评审要素之一,使得各投标方案回归理性,建议推广。 The feasibility demonstration is regarded as one of the components and evaluation elements of the bids, so that the bidding schemes can return to rationality. 本次评标工作组织严密、专业高效,专家在评审过程中感受到了工务署的公平公正、流程规范,认为不仅提高了业界投标水平,同时树立了“工务署招标”品牌,并表示乐意参加方案评标,愿意参加工务署组织的设计招标! The bid evaluation process was well organized with fairness and standardization, and was highly recognized by the juries. They believe that the evaluation not only reforms the bidding industry, but also establishes the brand of “Tender Organization by Bureau of Public Works of Shenzhen Municipality". They also expressed their willingness to participate in the future evaluation projects and design tenders organized by the Bureau of Public Works of Shenzhen Municipality. 招标方 Tenderee 深圳市建筑工务署工程设计管理中心 Engineering Design Management Center of Bureau of Public Works of Shenzhen Municipality 招标协助方 Co-organizer 深圳市观筑建筑发展交流中心 GUANZHU Architectural Development Communication Center END 资料来源:深圳市建筑工务署工程设计管理中心 编辑:肖思格 复核:李森 审核:刘戈 本文由深圳市建筑工务署发布,转载请注明出处。 往期精选 再造深圳门户形象!这个全国最大陆路口岸实现“开门红” 深圳又一个大项目动工!和钱袋子有关 8000个学位!深圳这所学校又传新进展 最新效果图曝光!满载深圳人美好回忆,未来这里将大变样